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SAP Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Department of Education requires Financial Aid Offices to establish a policy to monitor degree progression and consistently apply it to all students. BC3 reviews SAP at the end of each payment period (Fall, Spring and Summer).

Federal SAP Standards

SAP is CUMULATIVE (based on everything you've attempted or transferred into BC3).

Max Time Frame - Students must complete their degree within 150% of the number of credits required for graduation.  Students will immediately receive a Max Time Frame Status when it becomes mathematically impossible to graduate within the Max Time Frame allotment.

Example:  General Studies requires 60 credits to graduate; therefore, federal aid would be limited to 90 credits.  (60 x 150% = 90)

Also, Terminated/Suspended students will immediately receive a Max Time Frame Status when it is mathematically impossible for them to regain Pace Rate within the Max Time Frame allotment.

Pace Rate - Students must earn a cumulative minimum of 67% of the credits attempted.
Example:  9 credits completed ÷ 12 credits attempted = 75% Pace Rate

GPA - Students must maintain a cumulative minimum 2.00 GPA. 

How SAP is Applied for Different Classes, Grades and Situations

A, B, C, D Grades (college level & prep/developmental classes):

All credits count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted and completed.  All credits are included in the cumulative GPA calculation.

F or I Grades (college level & prep/developmental classes):

All credits count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted but do NOT count as completed.  For cumulative GPA, F or I grades count as 0 points earned.

Repeat Classes:

Financial Aid may be used to pay for a repeated class one time.  All credits count toward Max Time Frame. For Pace, all credits count toward attempted, but only the repeat credits count as completed (presuming the grade is a D or higher).  For GPA, the new grade will replace the old grade in the GPA calculation.

Pass / Fail Grades:

All credits count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted and completed.  They are not included in the cumulative GPA calculation.

Withdrawals (Including Medical):

All credits count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted but do NOT count as completed.  For cumulative GPA, these grades are not included in the calculation.

Transfer Credits:

All credits count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted and completed.  For cumulative GPA, these grades are not included in the calculation.

Change of Program of Study:

BC3 students are only in one active program at a time.  A change of program does not “reset” Max Time Frame.  All credits from ALL programs count toward Max Time Frame.  For Pace Rate, they count as attempted and completed.  All grades from ALL programs are included in the cumulative GPA calculation.


Paid Out of Pocket:

All periods of enrollment are considered when calculating SAP, regardless of whether or not prior federal financial aid was received for those credits.


Academic Forgiveness:

Being granted Academic Forgiveness through the Registrar’s Office does not change the SAP calculation.  All attempted and earned credits are used when calculating Max Time Frame, Pace, and GPA.

SAP Status Definitions  (Determined at the end of each Term)

Satisfactory - Meeting the SAP Standards.

Warning - Failing to meet Pace Rate, GPA or both SAP Standards.  Students on Warning are still eligible to receive federal aid.  The student will return to Satisfactory if the SAP Standards are met after the next grading period.

Terminated - Failing to meet Pace Rate, GPA or both SAP Standards immediately following a Warning semester.  This status is ineligible for federal aid, which includes Pell Grants, SEOG Grants, Direct Loans, and Work-Study.

Probation - Terminated students that are granted their one-time appeal will be placed on Probation and granted a specific number of credits to complete within a defined number of terms.  Federal aid will be reinstated and SAP will still be monitored at the end of each grading period. During the Probation term(s) students are to work with their advisors to determine course load, repeats and tutoring opportunities to progress towards SAP.  Each term is reviewed and emailed to them with their updated SAP status and federal aid eligibility.  Students who do not meet the probation plan will be notified of a Suspended status and will have to regain Satisfactory Academic Progress without federal aid eligibility.

Suspended - Failing to meet Pace Rate, GPA or both SAP Standards immediately following a Warning semester.  This status is specific for students that have already used their one-time appeal.  They are ineligible for federal aid, which includes Pell Grants, SEOG Grants, Direct Loans, and Work-Study.

Near Max Time Frame - Meeting the SAP Standards, but reaching approximately 75% of Max Time Frame.  Students remain eligible for federal aid, but should work closely with the Financial Aid Office to discuss when the funding will run out.

Max Time Frame - Met or exceeded 150% of the number of credits required for graduation in their program.  This status is ineligible for federal aid, which includes Pell Grants, SEOG Grants, Direct Loans, and Work-Study.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I Become Suspended?

You may still be academically eligible to continue to take courses at BC3. However, you will not qualify for Federal Financial Aid until you meet Pace and GPA requirements (Satisfactory SAP Status) by paying out of pocket or with private loans.

What if I Become Terminated?

You may still be academically eligible to continue to take courses at BC3. However, you will not qualify for Federal Financial Aid until you meet Pace and GPA requirements (Satisfactory SAP Status). 

You will be notified by email of your Terminated Status and how to appeal if you have extenuating circumstances.  Extenuating circumstances includes health reasons, death of an immediate family member or undue hardship.  Third-party documentation may be requested. 

Appeal Packets must be submitted no later than the 5th day of classes of the semester for which you are requesting a reinstatement of federal aid.  You may be responsible for tuition, fees, and book expenses while the Appeal Packet is being reviewed.  

Appeals are confidentially reviewed by a committee of 7 team members consisting of Administrators, Faculty and Advisors throughout the academic year.   

Students granted a “Probation” SAP Status are required to complete an Academic Plan for SAP.  The Plan includes the required number of credits they need to complete within a specific number of terms to regain a “Satisfactory” status.

Appeals that are denied will change to a "Suspended" SAP Status.  The student can no longer appeal.  Financial Aid notifies them of non-federal resources and what is needed to regain eligibility with their Pace and GPA requirements.  Students who regain eligibility meeting the Pace and GPA requirements will be notified of their Satisfactory SAP Status and their eligibility to receive federal aid.

Sample Appeal Request

Sample Academic Plan for SAP


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