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BC3 Alert: BC3 @ Brockway will close at 4 PM today, Feb. 12 due to potential icy conditions. All other BC3 locations remain on a normal operating schedule.

Check back for updates on 2023-24 student life activities!

Student Activities

Explore what BC3 has to offer! To enhance your collegiate experience, take advantage of the wide-range of student activities, events, and clubs we have at BC3. Make sure to read the weekly Involvement Email for details about events, contests, club promotions, college reminders, and more!  

2023-2024 Student Activities



  • TBD - Welcome week

Watch the Involvement Email for updates about when fall and winter events and activities will begin! Follow us on Instagram at BC3 Student Life for info, too!


Watch the Involvement Email for updates about when winter and spring events and activities will begin! Follow us on Instagram at BC3 Student Life for info, too!

In this section
Students playing bag toss on the BC3 quad lawn

Questions? Contact:

Student Activities

Torey O'Donnell
Associate Director of Student Life, Student Activities
724.287.8711 x8448