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BC3 Alert: Tuesday, January 21st all BC3 locations 9:30 AM start.

Campus Police & Security

Located in the Student Success Center, the BC3 Campus Police Department exists to protect and serve the students, faculty, staff and visitors of the college, while maintaining a safe atmosphere to help encourage moral and intellectual growth.

The campus police department is responsible for law enforcement on campus, and the officers are vested with all the powers, authority and responsibility of any police officer of the commonwealth on property owned or operated by the college, including immediate adjacent public roads and property.

Report a Crime or Incident

Attention: Providing false information to law enforcement is a criminal offense.

If you wish to report crime online use BC3 Police Department's Report a Crime Form.

View BC3's Safety and Security on Campus report - Crime Statistics


Dial 911 from a mobile phone or 911 from any campus phone.

Emergency Response Training

BC3 Campus Police provides training for the campus community on effective response plans during an emergency situation. Learn More.

Personal Security Checklist

  • Trust your instincts! Be aware of your surroundings and report anything that doesn’t seem right.
  • Do not meet strangers alone. Tell someone who you are meeting, where you are going and when.
  • Mark personal belongings. Do not leave your keys, purse or backpack unattended.
  • Use well-lit walkways. Avoid shortcuts through isolated areas.
  • Note the location of emergency stanchions on main campus next to the Field House, Administration Building, and Maintenance Building. They project a blue light and have an intercom to call for help.
  • Program the BC3 Campus Police phone number into your mobile phone: 724-991-1020. There are phones located in classrooms and hallways. In the case of an emergency, pick up and dial 911.

Megan's Law

Check the PA State Police Megan's Law Website searchable by County, Municipality, City, Zip Code, Name, and Alias.

Recognizing Concerning Behavior

If you suspect that a fellow student is in distress, contact the C.A.R.E. Team.

The C.A.R.E. Team uses campus and community resources to assists students who demonstrate concerning behavior or may be in jeopardy of harming themselves or others.

The C.A.R.E. Team is not an emergency service. In case of emergency, dial 911.

BC3 Ordinances

View the BC3 Ordinances as a downloadable PDF packet.

BC3 Campus Police Department Staff

The Campus Police Department is currently staffed by full-time and part-time officers who have all completed the Municipal Police Officer Training Course known as Act 120. The officers have full police powers and they do enforce but are not limited to, the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and ordinances of Butler County Community College.

Scott Richardson
Director of Campus Police and Security
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8225

Brian Henry
Campus Police Officer - Sergeant I
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8701

Joseph McCombs
Campus Police Officer
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8718

Curt Suprano
Campus Police Officer
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8704

Whitney Cammisa
Campus Police Dispatcher
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8707

Bryan Costanzo
Campus Police Officer (PT)
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8706

Brian Lambermont
Campus Police Officer (PT)
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8702

Dalton Janicki
Campus Police Officer (PT)
724-287-8711 Ext. 8394

Brian Summers
Campus Security Officer (PT)
Voicemail Box:724-287-8711 Ext. 8716

In this section

Questions? Contact:

BC3 Campus Police

Campus Police Office Hours
Mon-Thur 8am-6:30pm
Friday 8am-4pm

Campus Police Patrol Phone
Mon-Fri 7am-11pm
