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BC3 Alert: BC3 @ Brockway will close at 4 PM today, Feb. 12 due to potential icy conditions. All other BC3 locations remain on a normal operating schedule.

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Access & Disability Resources Office Hours

Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

Disability Services

Office of Access & Disability Resources

The Office of Access & Disability Resources provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. We utilize the student’s lived experience and relevant legislation (The Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504, etc.) to guide our processes. Our team is here to guide students through their academic journey from enrollment to graduation.

We look forward to connecting with you!

How to Connect with Access and Disability Services

Getting connected with our office is a relatively quick and easy process. We want to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss any disability-related concerns and supports we can explore on your behalf. 

Self Identify using our Self-Disclosure of Disability Form

This not only gives us some preliminary information about you, but it also will allow us to move forward with reasonable accommodations related to a disability.  After the Self-Disclosure of Disability Form is submitted, you should expect to receive an email from in 3 business day(s). The email will provide a link to schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Access & Success.

Set up an initial meeting with Jenn Loue, the Director of Student Access & Success, to discuss barriers.

Portrait of Jenn LoueHere's what you can expect in your initial meeting:

→Get to know you and your past disability experience.
→Determine if documentation is needed.
→Discuss barriers you (could) encounter on campus.
→Strategize a plan for moving forward.

IN PERSON - Initial Accommodations Appointment

VIRTUAL - Initial Accommodations Appointment

Follow-up meeting with a Student Success Coach.

You will receive a Memo of Accommodations and will learn how to utilize approved accommodations, the role you play as a student regarding your accommodations, and understand all of the resources available to you to assist you in achieving your academic goals.

Types of Accommodation Available

We work collaboratively with students and faculty to facilitate the removal of existing barriers to access in the academic environment due to disability. The following list is a sample of the most commonly used accommodations and is not an exhaustive list.

  • Extended Time Testing
  • Distraction Reduced Testing
  • Recording of Lecture/Note-Taking Support
  • Enlargement of Texts and Materials
  • Alternate Format Texts and Materials
  • Coordination of Interpreting Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
  • Other Accommodations as appropriate based on existing barriers related to disability


Students sitting at tables with tutors in the Academic Center for Enrichment in the SSC on BC3's Main Campus.

Come Visit Us!

The Access and Disability Resources Office is located in the Academic Center for Enrichment (ACE) on BC3's Main Campus.
ACE is located in the lower level of the Student Success Center building.



IEPs are documents used ONLY in the K-12 environment to support a student’s learning needs. Upon graduation from high school, IEPs are no longer legally binding documents. IEPs can be used as a historical reference/documentation that a student has utilized accommodations in the past. Also, if a student with an IEP is taking a college course while in high school (dually enrolled) certain accommodations may not apply to that college course. Below is a link we recommend both students and parents review to help understand this change.

Parent Info

Student Info

If you have a disability or temporary disabling condition that will prevent you from performing well under standard test conditions, please contact the Access and Disability Resources Department for information on testing accommodations.

Contact Us

Documentation may be necessary to determine your eligibility for requested accommodations. We welcome any documentation a student can provide that will aid in determining eligibility. What is key to determining eligibility and the possible need for documentation, is the conversation had with our office regarding the academic barriers that exist related to identified disability. If documentation is needed, we will assist in exploring how and where a student can obtain the necessary documentation.

Please do not delay connecting with us if you do not have documentation.

Common sources of documentation are healthcare providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school. Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, professionals, and institutions, providing current and/or past accommodations and any recommended accommodations.

Please do not delay connecting with us if you do not have documentation.

Yes! It is strongly recommended that you continue to work with a Success Coach throughout your time at BC3. Explore Success Coaching at BC3.

Students currently connected with the ADR office should fill out the Extended Testing Time Request form at least 48 hours prior to the test. After the form is submitted, the student will receive an email from the ADR office to confirm the submission of the form and further information.


Meet the Office of Access & Disability Resources

BC3 Logo
General Email
Office of Access & Disability Resources

portrait of Jocilyn Csernyik
Jocilyn Csernyik
Instructor - 
Student Success Coach
BC3 Main Campus,
BC3 @ Armstrong,
BC3 @ Cranberry
724.287.8711, ext. 8460

Portrait of Jenn Loue
Jennifer Loue
Director of Student Access & Success
724.287.8711, ext. 8327

Portrait of Sherri Osborne
Sherri Osborne
Instructor - 
Student Success Coach
BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing,
BC3 @ LindenPointe
724.287.8711, ext. 8342


For information regarding the College’s Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedure, contact the Executive Director of Human Resources/Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer, Butler County Community College by telephone at (724) 287-8711, Ext. 8353, or in writing at P. O. Box 1203, Butler, PA 16003-1203.